art & personality test results
This is not for u, its only for me... just for my future reference
Low extraversion
People with low extraversion scores tend to be happier with their own company. They may have a small number of close friends rather than a wide circle of acquaintances. Less keen on going to wild parties and meeting people, they are more able to make their own entertainment and don’t seek as much external stimulation.
Average agreeableness
People with average agreeableness scores tend not to be as keen to understand other people's feelings as people with high agreeableness scores. But they are also more likely to seek a compromise or avoid offending others than people with low agreeableness scores. They are somewhere in between. They can engage positively with others and put people at their ease, but they may be more likely to speak their mind, even at the risk of offending someone.
Average conscientiousness
People with average conscientiousness scores have a sense of responsibility and like to get the job done. However, they might concentrate more on the big picture and less on the details than people with high conscientiousness scores.
Average emotional stability
People with average emotional stability scores are more likely to have mood swings than people with high emotional stability scores. But they tend to have a less varied emotional life than people with low emotional stability scores. They are somewhere in between. They can be fairly relaxed and predictable, but may occasionally have strong emotional reactions to events.
Average intellectualism
People with average intellectualism scores are less likely to be interested in abstract ideas than people with high intellectualism scores. But they are not always as focussed on practical matters as people with low intellectualism scores. They are somewhere in between. Sometimes they are interested in learning the details behind something outside their everyday experience, but they also have a fairly good grounding in the real world.
Average emotional intelligence
People with average emotional intelligence scores have a reasonably good emotional insight, but are only human. They believe they are relatively good at empathising with other people, though like anyone else they can occasionally get it wrong. Average scorers tend to see themselves as fairly well balanced, with some insight into their emotional make-up. They are pretty good at interacting with others and use their emotional insight to try to understand other people as well as they can.