When do i need motivation????

This is one of the wall paper, u will see mostly on my desktop. Most of the times, i will set this as wall paper, when i have lot of work pressure and very tight deadlines.
But today i feel, i need this motivation most when i have little or almost no pressure and deadlines. Huh its been a very hectic last 2 months, Today when i got the news that our product, which is supposed to showcase at "consumer electronic show" was working without anyproblems, i am releived. ok getting back to the topic, here are my reasons for what i said.
Suppose u have lot of work pressure, do u really need to motivate urself??? i dont think so... The pressure itself is enough motivation, which drives u to work for long hours. i dont think i will see this wall paper more than once a day.
I have listed out a few things, which i thought i should do when i am free so that, my life will be a bit better during pressure situations. But now when i am free, my mind dosent seems to be interested in doing all that work. i am forcing myself to start it.... but the next movement my heart says..."come on its so boring to do this... y dont u relax ... u will be busy again in a couple of weeks".....
So i feel one need's motivation most when one is free, rather than when he is busy.
What do u say????